I'm putting together some bocage for some 15mm Battlegroup gaming.
I came across this video that shows the process I am going to try and mimic.
First thing I had to do was source the material used as the base of the bocage. I found this on Amazon. If you do search for this stuff, make sure to find the 'pile' kind. This is self adhesive and was super easy to work with. Also, 17 feet of bocage may be enough, maybe not.
Next I needed some larger sized popsicle sticks for the bases. This pack of 150 jumbo craft sticks I found at Hobby Lobby for $5.
As you can see, the self adhesive strip works real great.
Next up, I spray painted them all with a dark green.
They don't look great yet, but they are getting there. I decided to work in a small batch first to get the steps down, and then I can tackle the rest.
Once I got the stands painted, I added two layers of watered down Elmer's glue and sand for base texture and to hold everything together.
Next up, painting and adding flock.